Thursday, May 16, 2013

Doctor Who- 30 Day Challenge *Day Two*

Day Two- Favorite Companion

Welcome back for day two of the "Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge".  I know, I's a day late.  BUT the fact that I'm actually posting it is a victory to me, so let's just roll with it, shall we?

In all of the Who-verse my favorite companion hands down has GOT to be Ms Donna Noble, Portrayed by the awesome Catherine Tate.

I think that the reason that I love Donna so much is that she is the perfect compliment to Doctor 10's complex character, she just levels him out so well.  Their on screen chemistry is awesome (I think that a large part of that is because they are friends in real life) and the way they play off of each other is brilliant.  

Donna is a smart ass and funny as hell, but at the same time is vulnerable and sensitive.  She just seems to know exactly what the doctor "needs" at any given time.  She knows when she needs to run her mouth and give him a virtual "boot to the butt", but she also knows when to just keep her mouth shut and be there for him to lean on.

For example, in the episode "The Doctor's Daughter", when he is denying Jenny as "just a product of war and violence", she doesn't get angry, doesn't yell or run her mouth but simply makes him listen to Jenny's two hearts beating, bringing home the reality that yes, she is a part of him.  I thought that scene was absolutely touching and heart warming.  And after Jenny dies, and they are on the TARDIS, she is there for him in a way that only a true friend is there for a friend.

And, that brings about another reason why I like her so much, she is JUST his friend.  She tells him in no uncertain terms that she is NOT interested in anything more than a friendship, which after the loss of Rose, and the mess with Martha's confused feelings for him, was just what he needed.  The Doctor should never be alone...but that does not necessarily mean that he constantly needs a "lover" floating around in space with him.

Donna's story is also one of the more tragic ones.  From the time she stepped on the TARDIS, till the day that she had to leave, she grew so much as a person, and for every memory of that to have to be taken away (albeit to save her life) was one of the saddest moments of the show for me.  The scene between Donna and 10, where she begged him not to send her back to her old life completely broke my heart.

So, those are just a few of the MANY reasons why Donna Noble...The Doctor Donna is my favorite companion to enter the TARDIS.  As hard as they try, I don't think they'll ever find another like her.

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